10774 People Like This

Stiu ca au trecut doar doua luni de la ulimul anunt pe tema asta dar nu ne putem abtine sa nu evidentiem o suma atat de rotunda. Muzeuldefotografie.ro a depasit 10000 de prieteni pe FaceBook! Multumim!

I know that hardly two months have passed since the last announcement on this topic but we cannot help underline a nice round number. Muzeuldefotografie.ro has more than 10000 friends on Facebook! Thank you!

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4 Responses to 10774 People Like This

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 10774 People Like This | Muzeul de Fotografie -- Topsy.com

  2. tanasa valentin says:

    foarte frumos ce faceti voi.

  3. Theodora says:

    foarte frumos!!!


    e foarte tare aceasta idee

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